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Home: Welcome

Where Great Minds Are Born
Welcome to Tomorrow's Promise - a place for children to grow, learn and play. Your children deserve nothing but the best, so bring them here for an inviting environment that encourages curiosity and fun.
Home: Welcome
Harnessing creativity safely through the Creative Curriculum® which is a forward-thinking, comprehensive, rigorously researched curriculum approach that honors creativity and respects the role that teachers play in making learning exciting and relevant for every child.

Social/Emotional: To help children develop independence, self-confidence, and self-control, follow rules and routines, make friends, and learn what it means to be part of a group.
Physical: To increase children’s large muscle skills – balancing, running, jumping, throwing, and catching – and use the small muscles in their hands to do tasks like buttoning, stringing beads, cutting, drawing, and writing.

Cognitive: To acquire thinking skills such as the ability to solve problems, to ask questions, and to think logically – sorting, classifying, comparing, counting, and making patterns – and to use materials and their imagination to show what they have learned.
Language: To use words to communicate with others, listen to and participate in conversations with others, understand the purpose of print, recognize letters and words, and begin writing for a purpose.

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Goals of Development includes:
Social-Emotional Development: To learn about self and others - trusts known, caring adults, regulates own behavior, plays with other children, learns to be a member of a group, and uses personal care skills.
Physical Development: To learn about moving - demonstrates basic gross motor skills, demonstrates basic fine motor skills.
Cognitive Development: To learn about the world - sustains attention, understands how objects can be used, shows a beginning understanding of cause and effect, shows a beginning understanding that things can be grouped, uses problem solving strategies, engages in pretend play.
Language Development: To learn about communicating - develops receptive language, develops expressive language, participates in conversations, understands and uses words, enjoys books and being read to, shows an awareness of pictures and print, experiments with drawing and writing.
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Contact Us
Interested in learning more about Tomorrow's Promise? Please feel free to get in touch, and a member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.
7:30AM - 6PM
2450 N Street NW
Suite 100
Washington, D.C., 20037

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